
  • (ADD) Mylar support.
  • (ADD) Banners will now download for SickRage shows that were added using the TVRage service.
  • (FIXED) iPhone Status bar (Carrier, time, etc) would disappear when night mode was activated.
  • (FIXED) Couchpotato would not rotate while playing trailer if set to rotate (this was accidentally disabled on 1.0.6).
  • (FIXED) Crash when attempting to re-authenticate for the ad removal.
  • (FIXED) Sonarr would not download the artwork, in some cases, due to how reverse proxy was configured.
  • (FIXED) Search or RSS would crash if SABnzbd+ section did not have a valid default server or there were no SABnzbd+ servers listed
  • (FIXED) Random crash when exiting Headphones artist details page.
  • (FIXED) Crash when using RSS Search all feature.
  • (FIXED) Bug in RSS where it would download the item # from the unfiltered list if selecting from the filtered list.
  • (CHANGE) All Search options (added and predefined) timeout policy was reduced to 30s [default was 60s].
  • (CHANGE) NZBDrone episode search will now show a green checkmark when the command is sent successfully instead of the search icon again.
  • (CHANGE) Added Delete button to the top right of a show on SickBeard/SickRage/Sonarr(NZBDrone) and removed the red delete button at the bottom
  • (CHANGE) Main Menu no longer shows the app name, only the icon.
  • (CHANGE) NZBDrone Downloaded page has been given color.