[Version 1.0.7]

  • (ADD) iPad: iPad support.
  • (ADD) All: Splash screen
  • (ADD) CouchPotato: ‘More’ menu [Manual Post-Processing, Search All Wanted, Full Library Refresh].
  • (ADD) Settings: Webroot option (reverse proxy users).
  • (ADD) Settings: Language support for Spanish and German (more to come later on).
  • (CHANGE) CouchPotato: Added ‘Allow Duplicates’ on settings.
  • (FIXED) All: Issue where the bottom bar would become disabled is there was a problem serving ads (non pro).
  • (FIXED) All: App would have a ‘zoomed’ feel on iPhone 6/6 Plus.
  • (FIXED) Search: Keyboard would not hide if clicking on the searchbar and then information bar.
  • (FIXED) Search: NZB’s sent to the downloader would apply a “None” category rather than the indexer supplied.
  • (FIXED) Sonarr: Crash when clicking on Upcoming page.
  • (FIXED) Sonarr: Spacing issue on episode season’s listing.
  • (FIXED) Sonarr: Images would not download the if using a reverse proxy
  • (FIXED) Headphones: Random crash when clicking on Wanted section (if wanted album did not have a release date).
  • (FIXED) Headphones: No search result would be displayed (in some cases) if the artist name contained special characters