[Version 1.0.8]

  • (ADD) All: NZBVortex support.
  • (ADD) All: LazyLibrarian support.
    • Can add favorite author or just a particular book.
    • View completion status for an author
    • Open any downloaded book on your iDevice.
  • (ADD) All: [Pro Only] NZB Document Handler. You can now upload any nzb from any application (Google Drive/DropBox/Safari/etc) to your default downloader by simply selecting ‘Open in nzbUnity’.
  • (ADD) Settings: Dutch language support
  • (ADD) Settings: Auto Night Mode option. If Night Mode is enabled and this is enabled then the app will auto switch to Night Mode (on or off) depending on a few factors. If app is unable to do ANM then it will default to Night Mode.
  • (ADD) SABNzbd+: Option to change the post processing option for an individual nzb
  • (ADD) SABNzbd+: Option to retry a failed nzb.
  • (ADD) SABnzbd: Click on any nzb on the history to pull up more details.
  • (ADD) CouchPotato: Read user reviews (pulled from IMDB) on any movie from either the add movie screen or from your library.
  • (FIXED) NZBGet: In some cases, setting or removing the speed limit would not take.
  • (FIXED) NZBGet: History would report incorrect size of NZB (max 3.3G)
  • (FIXED) SickBeard: Issue with changing quality of a show.
  • (FIXED) SickRage: Shows would download the default generic SickRage banner / poster instead of the real artwork.
  • (FIXED) Sonarr: Images would stop downloading (due to invalid image being returned by Sonarr)
  • (FIXED) Sonarr: Episode title would not be displayed if Night Mode was enabled.
  • (FIXED) CouchPotato: CouchPotato would not attempt to reconnect if it encountered errors connecting.
  • (FIXED) Headphones: Random crash when trying to get the first character of the sort artist field.
  • (FIXED) Mylar: Mylar would not attempt to reconnect if it encountered errors connecting.
  • (FIXED) Pro Mode: Email address would not be validated if the language was not set to English.
  • (CHANGE) Search: Removed the NZBIndex provider. XML call from NZBIndex was unreliable.